
The SHI Annual Tournament

What is the SHI Tournament about?

Although the players play their hardest and are all trying to win, the spirit of this tournament is not about competition. It is about participation and fair play. If one team can’t field a full roster, another team will lend them players. If a team’s only goalie is hurt or unable to play, another team will lend them one. Words alone cannot describe it. You have to see it to truly understand, and you will never feel the same again about the developmentally challenged or even about hockey.

But this tournament is about more than just hockey. It also is about traveling to a new city, new rink, new hotels, new restaurants, a true journey.

For these athletes, it IS their Olympics. And just like the Olympics, they have their opening ceremonies complete with the parade of athletes from teams and cities and countries spanning the Globe. And like the Olympics, our athletes enjoy the spirit of international play from the Opening Ceremonies to the thrilling excitement on the ice to the sumptuous feast each team enjoys at the rink during the tournament. 

And of course, we share our athletes' pride when the sticks and pucks are all packed away and the awards ceremonies take place. Photo sessions lock in the wonderful memories of time spent in Beantown at the SHI Boston 2025 annual tournament.

hockey team presentation on ice with mascot
2 hockey players from opposing teams

Everyone gets together to see old friends and make new ones. From across the continents and ocean, they come together to catch up on what they have been doing the past years since COVID and discuss plans for the future. The players mingle, get re-acquainted with old friends, and make new ones. And talk hockey.

The opening ceremonies on Thursday morning provide a bit of pageantry and grandeur. Civic dignitaries and a sports celebrity or two are usually on hand to open the event. And then, with their heads held high, the athletes march in, holding their team banner and turning to have their pictures taken, smiling from ear to ear.

The Tournament Dinner is always a highlight. Our event chef is preparing a delectable menu especially for SHI Boston 2025. You will receive details on dinner registration once we have set the game schedule. The Tournament Dinner will take place over 3 nights (Thurs.-Sat.) with two time slot options on each day. 

Medals are presented to every athlete at the conclusion of their team's last game. We honor them for their hard work, dedication, and achievements in hockey.